Mobile Youth Health Center (MYHC)
The MYHC is staffed by St. Luke's University Health Network medical/nursing staff. The goal of the mobile center is to improve student health and decrease absenteeism.
We provide medical care to the students, grades 6th through 12th, during school hours with a special focus on students who do not have insurance or a family doctor; we are offering temporary provider services for acute care issues while we help the family access a regular source of healthcare.
Our goal is to see every student who has a signed consent at least one time, in which we provide an Adolescent Health Assessment for each student seen. This assessment includes the topics of: Medical History; Eating/Weight; School; Friends & Family; Weapons/Violence/Safety; Tobacco; Alcohol; Drugs; Development; and Emotions. Please review the following points so you can understand what we can or cannot do on the MYHC:
* This service is a support service and is not meant to be your child's medical provider on a long-term basis; your family doctor should remain your primary care provider.
* Parents/legal guardians are contacted for any visits that require prescribed medications, diagnostic tests, or referrals so that treatment and follow-up can be discussed. Family doctors indicated on the consent forms will also be notified of any visits that may require follow-up
* Confidential testing for HIV and STDs may also be done as appropriate.
* Medications are not usually provided on the MYHC with the exception of one time medications for very specific reason (acute asthma, uninsured teen, financial hardship, etc).
* Your family will not receive a bill for general services provided. If possible, insurance reimbursement is sought by the hospital for those services that are covered.
* Please remember that this free service does NOT include any tests ordered (blood, cultures, X-rays, etc.) or for any special services provided through the MYHC. Any fees associated with special services will need to be covered under your medical insurance or payment must be arranged by you with the lab or hospital. Please complete all requested information on the consent so we may follow your insurer's guidelines and contact you as necessary.
Below is the consent form for services offered to the students through the HealthStar van.
A signed consent form is required for a student to access any of these services.
Mobile Van Health Services Release.pdf

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the respected building school nurse. Thank You!