Concussion Policy, as published by St. Luke's Sports Medicine and adopted by the Panther Valley School District: Concussion Policy
At-Home ImPACT Testing Directions
After you’ve received your PIAA CIPPE and have submitted it to the athletic trainer(s), you must complete a baseline ImPACT test. This test is a neurocognitive assessment tool utilized by medical professionals to measure neurological function when one sustains a concussion. Students who have already taken the ImPACT test should consult with Dylan prior to taking it again.
Please follow the steps below to complete this testing:
1. You will need a secure internet connection with approximately 45 minutes of time. Your computer should have a working mouse and keyboard.
2. Remove external distractions such as music, cell phones, tv, etc.
3. Open an internet browse, and enter into the search bar*: https://www.impacttestonline.com/htmllauncher/
*If the test does not load on one browser, please try another one.
4. Enter the following in the customer code: AZYV8QSNXT
5. Then select ‘Panther Valley’ for organization.
6. Select ‘Launch Baseline Test’.
7. Follow all directions on the screen. You will want to enter information in the additional demographics portion. You should enter all necessary information, including name, address, date of birth, grade, sport/activity, past medical history, concussion history. A set of symptoms should be completed. You should answer each questions truthfully and to the best of your ability.
8. The test will provide practice questions for you to prepare for the actual test. Please be sure to read all directions! There is no right or wrong answer…the answers you provide are YOUR baseline. Please complete to the best of your availability. Do not rush!
9. Upon completion of the test, please enter: [email protected] to send a test confirmation.
10. Should you have any questions throughout the testing period, or trouble logging on, please e-mail Dylan at: [email protected]. DO NOT CALL THE JRSR HIGH SCHOOL OFFICE.
11. You will only receive a call/e-mail from Dylan IF there was a problem with your test!
12. To troubleshoot: if the test does not save or logs you out throughout the test before you could submit it, please retake the test – if time does not allow for you to do this, please e-mail Dylan and let him know to schedule a testing time at PV.